Onboarding Email
Onboarding Email
Onboarding Email
Onboarding Intro Screen
Onboarding Intro Screen
Onboarding Intro Screen
Onboarding Personality Screen
Onboarding Personality Screen
Onboarding Personality Screen
Onboarding Background Screen
Onboarding Background Screen
Onboarding Background Screen
Onboarding Skills Screen
Onboarding Skills Screen
Onboarding Skills Screen
Onboarding Interests Screen
Onboarding Interests Screen
Onboarding Interests Screen
Onboarding Save Profile Screen
Onboarding Save Profile Screen
Onboarding Save Profile Screen
Onboarding Success Screen
Onboarding Success Screen
Onboarding Success Screen

Onboarding Flow

A company’s HR department sends out email invites where users are directed to a brief Myers–Briggs style questionnaire. Here we gathered the minimum amount of information we felt was needed for our algorithm to help employees find their dream job. What you see to the left are the results of outcomes we learned from our user testing sessions.

Login Screen
Login Screen
Login Screen
Forgot Password Screen
Forgot Password Screen
Forgot Password Screen
Marketing Screen
Marketing Screen
Marketing Screen
Recommended Screen
Recommended Screen
Recommended Screen
Channel Screen
Channel Screen
Channel Screen
Role Details Screen
Role Details Screen
Role Details Screen
Open Positions Screen
Open Positions Screen
Open Positions Screen
Open Positions Email
Open Positions Email
Open Positions Email
Plan Steps Screen
Plan Steps Screen
Plan Steps Screen
Plan Overview Screen
Plan Overview Screen
Plan Overview Screen
Browse Screen
Browse Screen
Browse Screen
Search Screen
Search Screen
Search Screen
Profile Account Details Screen
Profile Account Details Screen
Profile Account Details Screen
Profile Work Personality Screen
Profile Work Personality Screen
Profile Work Personality Screen
Profile Background & Skills Screen
Profile Background & Skills Screen
Profile Background & Skills Screen
Profile Interests Screen
Profile Interests Screen
Profile Interests Screen
Profile Notification Preferences Screen
Profile Notification Preferences Screen
Profile Notification Preferences Screen

In-App Screens

Users can search for roles through one of our recommended channels, browse through categories, or search for something more specific. As they're browsing, they can save multiple roles that catch their interest to act upon at a later time.

Once they find the desired position, they can create a plan. This feature helps them choose a personalized career path leading them to their preferred role, gaining the skills and experience they need along the way.

Profile pages are alternative versions of the onboarding questions, allowing users to re-adjust their profile to increase the accuracy of our recommendations.

Station Setup
Google Drive Folders
Interview Summaries
Actionable Steps from the User Interviews
Lookback.io Recordings
Lookback.io Watch

User Testing

Conducting user tests made us aware of multiple issues users were dealing with throughout the application, including: onboarding progression buttons hidden below the fold, personality slider click areas being too small, and it was unclear how to favorite a role card.

All interviews were documented using a custom folder structure on Google Drive where colleagues could find raw notes, summaries, and links to recordings. We used Lookback to record the sessions allowing us to capture both the screen and camera at once.

Open Positions

An observation we learned from our user tests was a lack of action to be taken after choosing a role or successfully creating a plan. To resolve this we experimented with adding open positions to select roles, accessible from the role details and plan overview pages. These were roles that may have slightly different titles but would provide similar experience which they could immediately apply for.

Additionally we created an open positions email notifying users if any of their saved roles or plans had a new job listing. This could either send out in real-time, daily, or weekly depending on a preference chosen by the user.

Role Card Explorations V1
Role Card Explorations V2

Open Positions Card Indication Exploration

With the addition of open positions being attached to certain roles, we wanted an indication to be on the role cards. Around this time, we also found the ability to favorite a role was unclear. This meant the new cards would need a solution which incorporated both.

By reducing the confusion created from having too many choices, we only wanted two actions to be taken from a role card: access to the role details page and the ability to favorite a role. This meant open positions would only be displayed here with a visual clue and users would have to dive deeper to see the attached positions.

InVision Prototype

InVision Prototype

The team used InVision as a common ground where we could review concepts and host discussions about the product efficiently. Linking my Sketch artboards directly to the project, I was able to quickly share revisions with the team (plus it let everyone always have my most recent version).