One Spark

The World's Largest Crowdfunding Festival

One Spark connects creators with the resources they need to bring their ideas to life through crowdfunding.

I had the opportunity to help redesign the 2016 dashboard and project application flow by creating experiences and designs to give the brand a fresh visual update and better guide the user towards the actions they need to make while using existing UI elements and already defined processes.

Sign In Screen
Sign In Screen
Sign In Screen
Register Screen
Register Screen
Register Screen
Forgot Password Screen
Forgot Password Screen
Forgot Password Screen

Authentication Pages

Since the authentication pages are some of the first opportunities to interact with our users, tackling these pages was the first line of business. We wanted to remove any barriers or unnecessary noise causing distraction or preventing the user from accomplishing their only goal on these screens — to sign in.

Launchpad Screen
Launchpad Screen
Launchpad Screen


One of the main sections of the site to be reworked was the user launchpad. This is the first screen a user sees upon sign-in.

The layout for this page needed to work well with two different types of people, Contributors (those who donate to projects) and Creators (those who submit projects). The content was organized by separating out items available to all users and items specific for Creators. The creator callout banner swaps out dynamically depending on which step of the process the creator is in.

Sketch Artboards

Sketch artboards linked with Marvel

By having a working prototype of my designs, it allows me to better express my thoughts and ideas to company stakeholders. To present these and other concepts, I used Marvel 's Sketch plugin to quickly send my working Sketch III artboards to my online prototype.